Never Forget — Children of Fallen Patriots

Never Forget

Rachel Splinter’s dad, Christopher Splinter, died from a roadside bomb in Iraq. Growing up without her father has been the most difficult challenge in her life. 

“What helps me get through the pain is knowing that he died a true American hero, so that we can live free and safely and I know we will be reunited in heaven someday,” explained Rachel.

Christopher died doing what he loved, making Rachel a proud daughter. As September 11th approaches, Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is reminded to #NeverForget the sacrifices that so many soldiers have made. Rachel will never forget September 11th because it was a day our country came together to mourn those we had lost and prepare for what was to come.

“9/11 is a reminder to not take our freedom and lives for granted rather to thank God for everything that we have,” stated Rachel. “9/11 is a time to thank and support our soldiers, firefighters, and policemen who put their lives on the line for our safety and freedom.”

Rachel believes freedom means choosing your own path in life and being allowed to make your own decisions. Her father would be most proud of her for achieving her Bachelor’s degree and for working towards her Masters. She currently is attending Allen College to receive a Master’s in Occupational Therapy. After she plans to work at a VA hospital assisting disabled veterans in their healing process as they work towards becoming more independent.


“Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation made it possible for me to achieve my degree and work toward my dream of becoming an occupational therapist,” stated Rachel. “I’m sure my father never wanted to leave us, but he and other soldiers would be incredibly grateful to know that there are generous individuals such as Children of Fallen Patriots taking care of their loved ones.”
