Educational Resource Spotlight: How to Stay Motivated During Exams — Children of Fallen Patriots
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As the holiday season is upon us, many students may be struggling to focus on their schoolwork. When the excitement of holiday break outweighs the desire to buckle down and study, maintain perspective and remember why you are in college. Here are a few tips for how to stay motivated during exams.

Tap into your motivation by getting started

Though your willpower may be totally lacking, tap into your motivation by getting started. Once you begin tackling your to-do list, hopefully the momentum will be enough to keep you going. Otherwise, consider some physical activity to get the juices going. This doesn’t necessarily mean exercise, switching from typing on the computer to physically writing in a notebook may help you feel mentally engaged and energized.

Adjust your habits to create a consistent schedule

The problem with motivation is how fleeting the desire to act can be. Do not wait until you feel inspired to do something – set a schedule and stick to it. When daily habits make up a routine that keeps you focused on your goals, success is more likely to follow. If you need help coming up with a plan, check out November’s blog post, titled how to make the best study plan for finals

Keep the End Goal in Mind

When you find yourself feeling stressed or overwhelmed with the task at hand, take a step back and remember why you started. It is very important to identify your reason for putting in the effort – so you may always be hungry to attain it. Breaking down the result into smaller tasks helps show you how simple proactive action can move you towards your goal.

Ask Classmates for Help

The social element of studying with friends may help recharge your spirits if you find yourself struggling to study alone. Chances are if you are struggling with motivation, your classmates might also need an energy boost. A study group is a great because you can keep each other accountable by sharing ideas and learning together. However, it is crucial everyone in the group is committed to staying on task and contributing to the discussion. 

The end of the semester is almost here. Hang in there and put in the hard work so you can enjoy the holiday break with friends and family. Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
