Children of Fallen Patriots scholar Quinn M. is the son of U.S. Army Major Evan M., who passed away in 2011. When asked how friends and family would describe his father, Quinn says, “I believe everyone who met my dad would say he was a down-to-earth, easy-going goofball. I can certainly attest to that. My dad always made sure to bring humor and laughter to any situation and he always seemed to be the light of the room.”
With the help of Children of Fallen Patriots, Quinn graduated from the University of Arizona in 2019 with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. Quinn shared, “My biggest accomplishment during my college journey was graduating while holding three elected leadership roles in three separate organizations during my senior year. I wanted to challenge myself and I am very glad I did. Each role taught me so much.”
Since graduating from college, Quinn has joined the Children of Fallen Patriots team as a Scholarship Administrator. “This job has already been very fulfilling and rewarding. CFP has helped me so much and it has been a blessing to be able to provide this assistance myself now that I am working here. The gravity of what CFP can do for my fellow Gold Star children and their families is immense, and I am so grateful to be a part of it.”
There are approximately 25,000 children who have lost an active-duty parent in the military over the receives all past 35 years. The vision of Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation is to ensure that every such child necessary college funding.