Kamryn D. is the daughter of U.S. Navy Lieutenant William D. She was only 1-year-old when he lost his life in an aircraft accident. “The tragedy of losing him so young is something that has always reminded me to not take life for granted, especially the little things.” As a Fallen Patriots scholarship recipient, Kamryn was given the opportunity to complete a summer internship with vineyard vines in the Customer Care department.
“While reflecting on my internship at vineyard vines, I feel honored and lucky to have had such a wonderful 10 weeks. Whether it was meeting fellow interns or having a bagel with the President, the connections I made and the ins and outs I learned are invaluable. Going forward I will be able to use this experience to leverage my resume and reflect on it for inspiration.”
Kamryn will return to Penn State University in the Fall and continue studying PR/Advertising, and International Communication. “I hope to be using my creativity every day and making a difference somehow.” Her goal is to work for an advertising firm or in the advertising department of a retail company. “When vineyard vines say ‘Every day should feel this good’ - they are talking directly about their amazing office vibe!”
Kamryn believes her internship helped secure her indecisiveness about what she wants to do professionally, and helped her to see the inside of a company where she wants to be. “I was so excited and honored that the ideals the company promoted through its items and slogans really were carried out in the office.” Nearly 25,000 military children have lost a parent in the line of duty over the past 35 years. Fallen Patriots is working to identify and support every child in need through raising funds and awareness of the mission.